
wanda orme'S

Alison BECKner kaloumenos is American, but has spent the past 15 years in Europe working in the fashion industry. She runs a consulting agency specialized in connecting companies and brands in the lifestyle industries with the relevant people, places, things and ideas needed to grow their business.

If there was one piece of art you could feature in, which would it be and why?

That’s a tough question, as some of my favorite art is really creepy! I absolutely love Richard Prince and Mike Kelley but can’t quite imagine how I could fit into their work - even less so in a Henry Darger or Andrew Wyeth piece ( too melancholic). I think perhaps the most appropriate would be for me to feature in a William Eggleston photo, as he has a large body of work from the area where I grew up; his work really resonates with me. I wouldn’t mind to feature in a Georgia O’Keefe piece because of my deep love for the Southwest US climate and landscape.

Who inspires you?

Lately, I feel increasingly inspired by whatever surrounds me. I travel a lot and this really helps to stimulate my creativity by opening my eyes and mind. I’m quite a flâneuse as well – Paris and New York are both perfect cities for wandering. My friends and family have always been inspiring as well, starting with my paternal grandmother and her appreciation of Asian art, nature; my parents’ record collection...

What are your cultural aspirations?

I would love to experience more of the beautiful nature and wildlife throughout the world, from Africa to Asia, Hawaii and the Americas.

One particular destination I want to visit is James Turrell’s Roden Crater – preferably over a day spent with the artist himself. I hear he is a bon vivant and an excellent storyteller. 

What are your favourite cultural cities in the world?

So far, Athens for both it’s ancient history and the acute creative energy flowing right now; and, of course, the usual suspects: London, New York, Tokyo and Paris. But there is still so much I am yet to see. 

What are you up to at the moment?

My main mission at the moment is building the mind/body division of my company, specifically through wellness consulting for hotels and membership clubs. I am developing partnerships for an extremely talented roster of international fitness artists and brands that I have been fortunate enough to cross paths with.