
Jaime Perlman'S

Jaime Perlman is the Creative Director of British Vogue. Hailing from New York she had previously worked at US Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, before coming to London in 2005. In 2009 she launched an online film and photography platform, TEST, featuring up and coming talents in the fashion industry. She has also served on panels for the Hyeres Festival, BFC’s Fashion Film initiative, and Birds Eye View film festival.

If there was one piece of art you could feature in, which one would it be and why?

I would have loveD to sit for Lucian Freud.

Who inspires you?

My Dad inspires me. He's become a talented sculptor in his retirement, and he's so humble! It's very touching.

What are your cultural aspirations?

I've worked as an art director on fashion films and music videos, but I'd like to start writing and directing my own films.

What are your favourite cultural cities in the world?

For me, New York and London are the best cities in the world. But I am inspired by so many different places like Tokyo, Berlin, Beijing, and Paris.

What are you up to at the moment?


July 2014.